Singing Masterclasses

Opportunity to sing for the professor as well as in front of other singers and peers.

Our Masterclasses are for both adults and children.

What is a Masterclass?

A singing masterclass, allows the singer to learn both the own indications and advice that will be given and the corrections that will be made to the other participants.It is an invaluable and special opportunity to perform in public in the presence of other singers.There are things that are only learned on stage. It is important to have opportunities to perform and to prove yourself on stage.The duration of a masterclass can vary between 3 and 5 hours. Participants can watch the performances of all singers or retire at the end of their performance if they wish (flexible arrival and departure times).The singers have the opportunity to perform before an audience of singers. First, a vocal warm-up is performed, where vocal technique corrections will be made.Then the participant sings an aria or song from beginning to end (all singing styles are welcome). Then, the singer will sing the aria or song again, I will makeĀ  musical and technical corrections after each performance. Each participant can sing 1, 2 or 3 arias / songs depending on the duration and the time it takes to make the necessary corrections.

After reserving the masterclass, participants must communicate via email, the arias / songs they will sing. Participants can sing a cappella or with a backing-track (equipment available).

Book your Masterclass

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Masterclass Schedule:

Our schedule will be published soon. Please get in touch in the meantime to confirm dates and times.

General Enquiry